Bug fixes, improvements, and more!

Spring is the time of buds opening, birds singing, trees shining in fresh green, and new ideas coming to life. Following this spirit, we tackled some bugs last night while introducing fresh enhancements so that working with your Viadesk platform is even more fun and easy. 


Improved chat functionality

For more convenience, we have added a “send” button in the chat section. When using Viadesk on a desktop device, you can use the enter key to send your message. When using it on a mobile device, however, it will create a new line in the message window. To make sure, your message gets send, use the “send” button, which is now provided underneath or next to the typing field.


New author option in News section

Also, we have implemented the option to hide the author of a news article and instead choose the more neutral “from the editors” when you publish. This option gives more freedom, e. g. for assistants setting up a news article on behalf of the company or another person.

Fellow Digitals, what else?

In addition to the changes mentioned above, we have made further improvements including tweaks to stability and security:


  • The chat now shows a send button to send your message
  • The behavior of the enter key is now dependent on your device: on desktop devices, the enter key will send the message; on mobile devices, the enter key will create a new line


  • It is now possible to hide the author of a news article, and have it say “from the editors”. This comes in handy for example if a member posts a news article on behalf of somebody else.
  • Sometimes the Unpublished Articles widget would have too little contrast in the title. This has been fixed.
  • On the news page in groups, the tags widget was always displayed despite the setting. This has been fixed.
  • On the Editorial Management page, deactivated participants are no longer displayed.

Bugfixes and improvements

  • A bug has been fixed where setting permissions of a sub-folder would not be stored correctly
  • A bug has been fixed where sometimes a confirmation email would not be send if an invitee would accept an appointment
  • Problems with importing contacts have been fixed
  • A problem with searching contacts was found and fixed
  • During registration, it is now easier to set a standard image in case the user doesn't have a photo: the standard images are now shown from the start
  • A bug has been fixed where search would not respect the ‘last modified' date of notes
  • A bug has been fixed where the title of the shortcuts widget could unintentionally wrap if it is a link
  • A bug has been fixed where iframes would not work if the URL contained a ‘?’ character
  • In the Android and iOS app, ‘www’ can now be omitted when entering the domain URL
  • Cosmetic changes to the Statistics page 
  • On some pages, the date field was too little. This has been fixed.
  • Issues have been resolved in the XLS export of Events.

  • A bug is solved where participants were shown multiple times during filtering on the participant page in Setup.

  • The sender of emails from Viadesk is now always the system email address as set in "Setup > Notifications > Email and notifications". To make it possible for the recipient to reply to the email, a 'Reply To' field has been added to the 'Write Email' page.