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Page API

Page API


  • A successful create or update returns a response code 200 and the updated page.
  • You can add a cover-image by posting a file with name "featuredimage" in multipart/form-data. Preferred dimensions are around 1920 x 1080 pixels, allowed extensions are jpg, jpeg or png.

form field “parent” // id of the office or the page under which the page will be created
form field “id” // the id of the page (required for editing an existing page)
form field “name” // name of page (required)
form field “body” // description of the page (required)

form field “showInActivity” // display in timeline and morning email (optional, default true)
form field “canRespond” // display comment section (optional, default true)

form field “showAuthor” // display author (optional, default true)
form field “tag” // one or more tags (optional
file “featuredimage” // adding a cover image (optional)
file “pageattachment” // adding an attachment (optional)


  • The DELETE method allows you to trash a page if the user has the required permission.
  • A successful DELETE returns response code 200.