The GET method returns an array of user objects (see User API).
?office=44-646... //filter, id of the office users have to be a member of
?keyword=marc //filter, searches all text columns (optional)
&firstchar=baars //filter, searches startswith values of firstname, lastname or company(optional)
&deactivated=true //filter, only deactivated users, optional, default false
&fullprofile=true // optional, default is false, returns all properties visible on the user profile
&sort=firstname //order results by “firstname”, “lastname” or “company” (optional)
&limit=10 // limit the array (optional)
&offset=5 // skip n users (optional)
Returned JSON contains these properties:
"id", "gender", "firstname", "prefix", "lastname", "name", "phone", "cellphone", "company", "division", "department", "jobtitle", "thumbnailUrl", "created", “fid”, "deactivated".
The thumbnail URL points to a 192x192 image.