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Appointment API

Appointment API


  • A successful  create or update returns response code 200 and the resulting Appointment.

form field “office” // id of the office where the appointment will be created or edited
form field “id” // the id of the appointment (required for editing existing appointments)
form field “name” // name of appointment (required for new appointments)
form field “start” // start date (required)
form field “end” // end date (required)
form field “body” // description of the appointment (optional)
form field “attendee” // one or more users (optional)
form field “location” // location of the appointment (optional)
form field “category” // category of the appointment (optional)
form field “categoryColor” // categorycolor of the appointment (optional) 
form field “tag” // one or more tags (optional)
form field “allday” // boolean for all day appointments (optional)
form field “reminder” // date when reminder should be sent (optional)


  • The DELETE method allows you to delete an appointment if the user has the required permission.
  • A successful DELETE returns response code 200.